Wednesday 18 July 2012

An Inquiry and Technology Alphabet

Ok, Gang:  Here you go.  I did the first six, is that my fair share?  The rest is up to you.  I must admit I was tempted to start at V is for Vygotsky!

A is for Anderson, Terry by name;  Technology learning from Athabasca his game.
B is for Bruckman in communities online; Beetham and Britain both big on design.
C is a Carnegie unit, productive we’ll be; switch it all up before boredom you’ll see.
D is diSessa, conceptual change the research; if you learn this you’ll be safe as a church
E is for e-learning the reason is clear - if it wasn't for that we wouldn't be here.
F is for Friesen, don’t forget about her; true inquiry-based learning will just make her purr.


  1. Well I guess I wasn't as wide awake as I thought I was! So E is missing (Entwistle?, e-learning?) and G is in the wrong place. Don't let that hold you back! Pick a letter, pick any letter.


  2. G is for Garrison and his Community of Inquiry; the framework is solid, you don't want to flee.

  3. Z is for the zone of proximal development. If you're not there yet, don't worry there's help for you.


